Dear NES Families,
As you have been made aware, we will continue distance learning through the month of April. Now that we have a goal date in mind, and we settle into a new routine of distance learning I want to assure you that we are aiming to make this circumstance as streamlined and smooth as possible for your child(ren). The teachers are working endlessly to plan instructional and comprehensive learning tasks and activities. They are meeting virtually as grade level teams to look at grade level curriculum and determine how to manage the learning, so that the children are thriving during this unprecedented time.
Parents, you are doing an amazing job supporting this new way of school, and we know it is not easy, as many of you are working from home yourselves, or still going to work and having your child(ren) stay with a family member who may not be equipped to support the learning. I want to thank you for your time, consideration and attention to the importance of helping us with their learning.
A few tidbits based on feedback we have received so we can support you and your child.
- Attendance and Absences: Your child needs to sign in and complete the learning tasks in order to be considered attending school. Teachers will check and report to the school who has participated in each day of learning. If your child is sick- please call the office and report illness and let your child’s teacher aware. If your child can only do the distance learning later in the day, also let the teacher be aware and they will adjust the absence if/ when the work is complete.
- Tech Support: If your child is having difficulty with the chromebook or technical issues, please call 284-4951 0r email [email protected].
- Lesson support: Please contact your child’s teacher and they will respond to you during their office hours. If there is any kind of technical glitch the teacher will take that into consideration for attendance purposes.
- Independent Learning: At times the child(ren) will be asked to work independently- on reading ( RAZ kids, Lexia, etc…) or math platforms ( Dreambox/ Zearn). Please remind your child that this is their work time. Some students take this opportunity to sort of log on but not complete assignments.
- Mental Health: It is important that we support all NES families and students. If you are in need, please reach out to myself [email protected] or the NES school psychologist Tara Reddington [email protected]
- Distance Learning Grade Level and Other Learning:There is a tab on the school website Distance Learning ( click on blue link), where you will find: grade level weekly lesson links, Specials ( Music, Art etc….) lessons and SEL (social emotional) resources.
- Emails and Communication: I am available everyday and working from home, please reach out to me and I will get back to you asap. Teachers have set office hours for them to respond to your questions. I am asking teachers to limit emails and communications they are sending you as I have heard that many of you are having difficulty keeping up with them. I will email you an update weekly and I promise it will be shorter.
Be well.