Dear NES Family,
I would first and foremost like to thank you for your support and flexibility during this time of distance learning. I can say, from what I see, the teachers are trying to make this a fun, learning experience. Teachers have been collaborating daily to make your child’s learning experience a great one.
We have learned a lot this week and are hoping to improve this experience. From the survey we received, we will try to streamline directions and lessons so your child will not need as much support from you. Most, if not all tasks are meant to be independent K-4. Pre K students will need some help. Teachers will be adding some time on task guidance for each task to help the students know how long they should be spending to complete what is being asked of them. The time frame is an average, if your child takes a little less or a little more time that is ok. Please continue to communicate any questions you have to the teacher. They are available during their set office hours ( and then some). There have been only a few technology glitches, if you need assistance please continue to reach out for tech help. You can find those resource numbers in the FAQ button on the bottom of the NES web page.
The distance learning link on the school website will provide you with lessons for next week. I also encourage you to check your email as other service providers may need to communicate with you.
The structure of the day allows you some flexibility. We don’t want our kids in front of the screen all day. It is important for students to work independently on tasks provided by the teacher. As the weeks of distance learning continue we may schedule some set times for virtual lessons and screen casts for your child to participate in.Please make sure you schedule a snack, lunch and recess, similar to school times or when you find a natural break in your own schedule while you are at home.
Attendance is taken daily. It is important that your child sign in daily and complete assignments. This is how we are determining if they are absent or not. We still are required to inform the state of attendance. Teachers will be checking for work completion as part of attendance. A sign in alone will not count as attending school.If your child is ill, please let your teacher know that your child will not be participating due to illness. Also, inform the school nurse via email so we can continue to track illness rates of our students
Teachers have been finding creative ways to interact with their classes. ZOOM is a way the teacher and students can see each other for a lesson or a meeting. One class had their snack together! In the time of social distancing we are aware of how much the students and teachers and classmates miss seeing and interacting with each other. We are hoping to embed a ZOOM experience daily to curb their isolationism.
I wish you all health and well being!